The Gorge della Reina is the protagonist of one of the most popular legends born around the figure of Queen Giovanna D'Angiò, known by the name "Reino Jano", popular in the Provencal valleys.
It is said that, in the fourteenth century, the beautiful sovereign refused the attentions of the son of the king of France. The young man, not accepting to have been refused, mustered his army to conquer his beloved by force.
The Reino Jano found shelter in the Maritime Alps, near Roaschia, but the prince fielded his soldiers on Mount Lausa to better dominate the valley and launch an attack from above. The whole army sank into the abyss of the gorge due to the will, perhaps, of the divine wrath hurled against the obstinate arrogance of the young man.
Today it is possible to travel along a beautiful route outside the boundaries of the Park, starting from Entraque and, crossing the Lausa mountain, getting to the fascinating gorge closed between the vertical limestone walls of the sedimentary rocks that surround the Cristallino Massif of the Argentera.