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The Cottolengo: the small house of health

At the entrance of the canon of Corpus Domini Benedetto Cottolengo, on the evening of September 2, 1827, there was a French stranger in search of help for his pregnant and sick wife of tuberculosis. Despite her serious condition, the woman was refused hospitalization in the city hospitals and despite the assistance of the canon died at the hotel Dogana Vecchia that same night.

This sad event deeply disturbed the priest’s soul, so four months after the incident, the man decided to start the “Deposito de’ poveri infermi del Corpus Domini”, (Housing of the poor sick of Corpus Domini) near the church, which then became the Cottolengo, to welcome the sick who could not find a place in hospitals.

From that instance, a great assistance and health service began, providing service to the people who were most disadvantaged and weak.

Via San Giuseppe Cottolengo 14
10121 Torino TO