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Modalenta | Festival della Moda Sostenibile

22/03/2025 - 23/03/2025

Fast fashion has turned clothes into disposable items, generating a serious problem in the immoderate use of raw materials and the production of waste. More and more today, emphasis is being placed on this problem, and a return to valuing second-hand clothing takes on a whole new meaning. This is how Modalenta was born, an event dedicated to second-hand and vintage clothing and accessories, with over 30 selected exhibitors offering a different model of personal, creative and above all sustainable consumption for consumers and the environment.

Fiere e mercati
Sedi varie
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Moncalieri TO
Grafica a bande colorate e decorazione floreale, titolo
Saturday 22 March 2025 - Sunday 23 March 2025