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88 frequenze


88 like the number of piano keys: this was the basis of the Secret Communication System, submitted in June 1941 by Hedy Lamarr to the US patent office: the Hollywood star, repeatedly described as ‘the most beautiful woman in the world’, was applying to patent a complicated anti-radar system.    It was only in the 1990s, when the military secrecy surrounding her patent lapsed, that Lamarr began to receive recognition for her extraordinary discovery, but by then it was too late. Over 80 years old and almost blind, she will not be able to collect the awards dedicated to her.   Hedy Lamarr's story becomes a pretext to talk about the dichotomy between how we perceive ourselves and how we are seen from the outside. The actress on stage, Antonella Carone, uses the video camera of a smartphone live. As the performance progresses, the correspondence between live reality and the video-projected image falls apart.

Cinema Teatro Danza
Sedi varie
Via Ludovico Bellardi 116
Torino TO
+39 3348655865
Foto di scena di spettacolo teatrale con schermo luminoso e sedia al centro, luci sui lati
Sunday 30 March 2025

Intero: 11.00€; Ridotto: 9.00€ (studenti universitari, studenti IAAD, under 30, residenti in Circoscrizione IV e VII, tesserati AIACE, abbonati alle stagioni di Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo)