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Lacrime di sale

22/03/2025 - 23/03/2025

Tears of salt recounts the experience of Pietro Bartolo, ‘the doctor of Lampedusa’ who for over 25 years has welcomed, treated and above all listened to thousands of migrants who have arrived on the island.   His human and professional story is intertwined with the stories of men, women and children who have abandoned their homes in search of a future and a better life. It is the story of a man who has made the sufferings of others his own, healed their wounds - the external ones, the inner ones will take a long time and may not heal - and restored to each of them the dignity they are entitled to as ‘human beings’.

Cinema Teatro Danza
Sedi varie
Via Ludovico Bellardi 116
Torino TO
+39 3348655865
Attore e attrice al leggio durante uno spettacolo teatrale con disegno proiettato sullo sfondo
Saturday 22 March 2025 - Sunday 23 March 2025

Intero: 11.00€; Ridotto: 9.00€ (studenti universitari, studenti IAAD, under 30, residenti in Circoscrizione IV e VII, tesserati AIACE, abbonati alle stagioni di Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo)