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21/09/2024 - 22/09/2024

The fortifications of Piedmont, mighty defensive structures rich in history and tradition, can today be visited as cultural heritage sites to be enhanced, as well as panoramic locations, as they overlook splendid landscapes from above.

The "Forti Piemonte" project guides visitors in the discovery of some of these monuments: the Albertino Fort in Vinadio, the forts of Exilles, Fenestrelle, Gavi, and the Opera 5 in Moiola, which is the most recent structure as it dates back to World War II.

The summer opening of the forts culminates in the weekend of September 21-22 with Forti, fortissimi! — two days of special openings, unusual guided tours, live performances, and community events.

Complementing this project, there are initiatives designed for visitors of all ages:

  • You can participate in GiocaForte!, a program that allows you to accumulate points by visiting participating forts and redeem fantastic prizes using the Abbonamento Musei app.
  • Additionally, you can listen to podcasts dedicated to the initiative, which tell stories about Piedmontese fortresses, specially created for Abbonamento Musei by artists from the Fondazione Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani di Torino.
Eventi speciali
Forte Albertino di Vinadio, Forte di Exilles, Forte di Fenestrelle, Forte di Gavi e Opera 5 di Moiola
12010 Vinadio (CN), Exilles (TO), Fenestrelle (TO), Gavi (AL), Moiola (CN) CN
Saturday 21 September 2024 - Sunday 22 September 2024