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In Mombarcaro, a small village situated on the crest of a Langa hill at 900 m, is the chapel of San Rocco, a small porticoed church located along the road from Mombarcaro down to Niella Belbo.


In the past, the chapel was used as a shelter for wayfarers and pilgrims and as a hospital for plague victims.

Inside is a fresco depicting the Ride of Sins, dating back to the 1500s. It is a representation of the seven deadly sins, embodied by characters in period costume riding symbolic animals. The sins are chained together and are dragged by devils to the entrance of hell.


Pride is a king riding a lion, Greed is a woman riding a dog, Lust is a lady mirroring herself by uncovering her leg, Envy is a lady of the court riding a sheep, Gluttony is a character who drinks from a pitcher and rides a wolf, Wrath is a character who pierces his chest with a dagger, and Sloth is a scruffy woman who rides a donkey.


Hell, on the other hand, is depicted as the open, toothy mouth of the biblical Leviathan swallowing a naked damned. The procession of sins is opened and closed by two devils.




Chiesa di San Rocco
12070 Mombarcaro CN