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Even today, it is said that the people of the village of Cossato, a delightful part of the province of Biella, surrounded by vineyards and hills, believed in the existence of an evil genius who lurked in the abysses with the name of Cattivora, a composition of the Italian words cattiva (bad) and ora (hour).

According to local belief, the Cattivora sought to bring harm to those who found themselves alone, without any form of protection.

Apparently the spirit hid in the waters of the countryside around the villages, preferring deep abysses, such as streams, lakes, ponds, (lame) and wells, and the holes and tanks (tampe) that were used to water gardens and fields. The tank, known as the tampa, especially in the past, used to attract children, who used to have fun throwing big stones into it and watching the circular ripples they created.

Throughout the centuries, the tampa was the terror of every mother, grandmother and woman in the area who had young children with a tendency to run a bit wild.

The old woman of the village, who often had a lined and rather sharp face, a little like a good witch, would often say “You must never stand near the tanks or wells and stare at the water for too long, because their dark depths hide a beast with eyes that enchant those who look into them, and whether you want to or not, you’ll be drawn in by the monster known as the Cattivora
