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From the inside it looks like a Greek temple, but opens out when you pass the columns of the neoclassical pronaos. Visitors can then admire the most spacious and brightest church interior of all the churches in Torino. It was a great spatial innovation by Filippo Juvarra, 69 metres long and 37 metres wide. The building of the church began in the second half of the sixteen hundreds following a design by Antonio Bettino but, after the collapse of the dome in 1714, it had to be reconstructed. The rebuilding was entrusted to Juvarra. The building, however, was only finished after 1823 by architect Giuseppe Maria Talucchi, and finally completed in 1891 by Ernesto Camusso, who also completed the pediment above the colonnade of the façade. Among the fine works of art housed in the church, the baroque high altar and the organ rostrum particularly stand out. The adjacent Oratory was built by Ignazio Agliaudo di Tavigliano, following designs credited to Filippo Juvarra (1723).

Via Maria Vittoria 5
10123 Torino TO